Data Authenticator for the Deployable Seismic Verification System



NSS Authenticator Addresses


                                                       05/09/89 whp


  Addresses are jumper selectable and given in Hex.  Blank entries
  in the table indicate unused ports.  Addresses refer to ports on
  the internal bus.

  External Bus Exerciser

  The most significant (high order) bit is 7 while the least
  significant (low order) is 0.  Osc refers to the hardware
  sequencer of the D, V, F and R registers.  Osc resides on the V
  register card.

            Read                           Write

  FF00      Authenticator status           D register
            D register offline   bit 7
            Watchdog time out    bit 6
            Data out ready       bit 5
            Software busy        bit 4
            Poll microcontroller bit 3
            INT1 status          bit 2  
            INT0 status          bit 1
            Osc busy             bit 0
  FF02      Low byte R register
  FF03      High byte R register
  FF04      Clear R register
  FF05      Data in                        Data out
  FF06                                     Frame start

            Read                           Write

[111] FF08 Reset Clear Reset FF09 OUT1 and OUT2 not used FF0A FF0B FF0C FF0D FF0E
[112] 02/08/89 whp Bus Decode/Bus View Axx and Bxx refer to sides (A and B) and pin numbers (1-31) of the IBM XT compatible 31/2 edge connector. Px.x refers to 8051 microcontroller port pins. The most significant (high order) bit is 7 while the least significant (low order) is 0. Read Write FFB0 0 bit 7 0 bit 6 0 bit 5 0 bit 4 0 bit 3 -ROM B27 bit 2 -RAM B26 bit 1 B24 bit 0 FFB1 B23 bit 7 B22 bit 6 B21 bit 5 B18 bit 4 B17 bit 3 B16 bit 2 B15 bit 1 B6 bit 0 FFB2 B3 bit 7 Bl bit 6 P3.5 Tl bit 5 P3.4 TO bit 4 P3.3 -INT1 bit 3 P3.2 -INT0 bit 2 P3.1 TxD bit 1 P3.0 RxD bit 0 FFB3 P1.7 Bl9 bit 7 P1.6 B10 bit 6 P1.5 A15 bit 5 P1.4 B8 bit 4 P1.3 A14 bit 3 P1.2 A13 bit 2 P1.1 B5 bit 1 P1.0 A12 bit 0
[113] 05/09/89 whp Command/Status Register Osc refers to the hardware sequencer of the D, V, F and R registers. Osc Clk & D means that the hardware sequencer is supplying clock and data to the D, V, F, and R registers opposed to the authenticator providing clock and data to these registers via port pins P3.1 and P3.0 respectively. Read Write FFAO Data in Data out FFA1 FFA2 Status D register offline bit 7 Watchdog time out bit 6 Data out ready bit 5 Software busy bit 4 Poll microcontroller bit 3 INT1 status bit 2 INT0 status bit 1 Osc busy bit 0 FFA3 Ext Clk & D FFA4 Int Clk & D FFA5 FFA6 FFA7
[114] 02/03/89 whp V Register XTAL Clk & D refers to the CMOS crystal oscillator providing the clock to the D, V, F, and R state sequencer. P3.1 Clk & Data refers to Port 3.1 providing a software clock to the sequencer. Software GO initiates a cycle of the sequencer from software. In operational mode GO is initiated by a write the the D register. FR count is the number of positive edge clock pulses received by the F and R registers. Read Write FFD0 Low byte V register FFDl High byte V register FFD2 Int Clk & D FFD3 Ext Clk & D FFD4 Software GO FFD5 P3.1 Ext Clk & D FFD6 XTAL Int Clk & D FFD7 FR count FR count
[115] 02/08/89 whp F Register The F register is a 63 bit linear feedback shift register. It is implemented in hardware with eight 8 bit shift registers designated FO through F7. FO contains the least significant bits while F7 the most. The 64th bit, bit 0 of Fo, is unused. Read Write FFEO F0 bit 0 unused Clear F FFEl Fl Int Clk & D FFE2 F2 Ext Clk & D FFE3 F3 FFE4 F4 FFE5 F5 FFE6 F6 FFE7 F7
[116] 02/08/89 whp R Register The R register is a 14 bit nonlinear feedback shift register. It is implemented in hardware with two 8 bit shift registers designated RO and Rl. RO contains the least significant bits while Rl the most. Bit 1 of R0 is unused and is grounded. The feedback function is controlled by the contents of a fast 16Kx1 RAM. Bit 0 of R1 is used to read the output, Q, of the fast RAM when BUSY is asserted. The fast RAM is in a low power when BUSY is not asserted. Read Write FFCO R0 bit 1 unused, bit 0 Q FFCl Rl FFC2 Clear R FFC3 FFC4 Int Clk & D FFC5 Ext Clk & D FFC6 FFC7
[117] 02/08/89 whp Watchdog Timer Read Write FF60 Watchdog value Clear watchdog FF61 Enable watchdog output Disable watchdog output FF62 Enable watchdog osc Disable watchdog osc FF63
[118] 02/08/89 whp Clock/Calendar The clock/calendar is a Harris/GE/Intersil/RCA ICM 7170 uP- Compatible Real-Time Clock. Details of it addressing the functions are given in publication 301680-007 August 1987. Read Write FF80 Counter-l/100 sec Counter-1/100 sec FF81 Counter-hours Counter-hours FF82 Counter-minutes Counter-minutes FF83 Counter-seconds Counter-seconds FF84 Counter-month Counter-month FF85 Counter-date Counter-date FF86 Counter-year Counter-year FF87 Counter-day of week Counter-day of week FF88 RAM-l/100 sec RAM-1/100 sec FF89 RAM-hours RAM-hours FF8A RAM-minutes RAM-minutes FF8B RAM-seconds RAM-seconds FF8C RAM-month RAM-month FF8D RAM-date RAM-date FF8E RAM-year RAM-year FF8F RAM-day of week RAM-day of week FF90 Interrupt status Interrupt mask FF91 Command register
[119] 02/08/89 whp Buzzer and LEDs The piezoelectric buzzer is operated from two port pins controlled by software. Read Write FF70 buzzer 0 bit 0 buzzer 0 bit 0 buzzer 1 bit 1 buzzer 1 bit 1 LED 1 bit 2 LED 1 bit 2 LED 2 bit 3 LED 2 bit 3 LED 3 bit 4 LED 3 bit 4 LED 4 bit 5 LED 4 bit 5 LED 5 bit 6 LED 5 bit 6 LED 6 bit 7 LED 6 bit 7 FF71
[120] 02/08/89 whp EEPROM key memory Read Write FF50 data byte data byte FF51 Address low byte FF52 Address high byte FF53 -OE+5 bit 0 -OE+5 bit 0 -OE+12 bit 1 -OE+12 bit 1 A9+12 bit 2 A9+12 bit 2 -WE+12 bit 3 -WE+12 bit 3 -CE bit 4 -CE bit 4 bit 5 bit 5 bit 6 bit 6 +12 on bit 7 +12 on bit 7 FF54 FF55 FF56 FF57
[121; 122 blank] 02/09/89 whp Maintenance 8upport Board The maintenance support board contains a National 90C52 asynchronous communications element and a 32Kx8 CMOS EPROM or EEPROM. Read Write FFF0 Receiver buffer Transmitter buffer FFFl Interrupt enable Interrupt enable FFF2 Interrupt identification FFF3 Line control Line control FFF4 MODEM control MODEM control FFF5 Line status Line status FFF6 MODEM status MODEM status